How To Eliminate Razor Burn And Irritation From Electric Shavers

While some men can get away with anything when it comes to shaving, most of us aren’t that lucky.

Razor burn is that burning sensation that follows soon after completing a shave and is usually associated with redness and even swelling.

While razor burn affects mostly men who shave frequently with a razor blade, it can still be an issue in the case of electric shaving.

In this article we’ll see what we can do in order to reduce it to a minimum and even prevent it from happening.

What causes razor burn when using an electric shaver?

Razor burn.One of the reasons men switch to electric shavers is the comfort during and after the shave.

The majority will see a clear improvement, but razor burn can still be present to a certain degree.

If you have sensitive skin that is prone to irritation you are more likely to be affected.

So why is razor burn still present with electric shavers? After all, we’re not dealing with a blade that comes in direct contact with the skin anymore.

The main cause is actually excessive pressure. This, along with a more aggressive electric shaver can easily cause severe razor burn.

Pressing too hard will cause very small bits of skin tissue (surrounding the hair shaft) to poke through the perforations in the foils and the blades will actually scrape off a shallow layer of skin cells.

This is how razor burn still happens if you use an electric shaver.

Tips to prevent and eliminate razor burn caused by electric shavers

In my opinion, managing razor burn effectively requires addressing four aspects:

  1. Electric shaver basics
  2. Prep work
  3. Shaving technique
  4. Post-shave treatment

Let’s see what they are and how to deal with each of them.

1. Electric shaver basics

Use a suitable electric shaver.

Even if you get everything right, you simply can’t make up for a shaver that’s plain bad if you want to eliminate or at least reduce razor burn.

Braun Series 5 (left) and Series 9 (right).
Braun Series 5 (left) and Series 9 (right) are two excellent choices for men with sensitive skin.

An electric razor that is gentle to the skin and doesn’t get hot during use would be a good starting point.

The Braun Series 9 is arguably one of the best electric shavers for users that constantly deal with razor burn. However, they are pretty expensive.

A more cost-effective, but still very capable razor would be the tried and tested Series 7. This was and still is to some degree the benchmark for shaving comfort.

The latest iteration of Braun’s Series 5 line gets very close to the Series 7 performance-wise, but at an even lower price.

Braun dominates the list of recommended shavers simply because they seem to be more forgiving and more comfortable out of the box compared to other brands.

Replace dull blades and worn foils.

Sharp blades and undamaged foils are vital for the comfort during and after the shave.

The shaving head of a Braun Series 7.

With time the blades will become dull, the foils will wear out and even begin to warp.

As a result, you’ll need to apply more pressure, use more strokes and basically end up with razor burn. If you’re beginning to notice any of these, it’s time to replace the blades and foils.

Moreover, your shave will take longer and the shaving head can get increasingly hotter. And heat is definitely something you’ll want to avoid.

Lubricate the foils and blades.

This will reduce the heat generated during use and will also prolong the life of the blades.

Lubrication is important for the comfort of the shave and the lifespan of your shaver's blades.

If your electric shaver doesn’t come with an automatic cleaning station or you simply don’t use the station on a regular basis, you must lubricate the shaver yourself.

Luckily, it’s an easy and inexpensive procedure.

Here’s a complete guide on how and when to do it.

Thoroughly clean your razor after every use.

Hairs, dead skin, dirt, and debris build ups will affect the performance and bacteria will thrive.

Cleaning an electric shaver with water.

Some electric razors come with a cleaning & charging station that automatically cleans, sanitizes, lubricates and dries your shaver.

If that’s not an option, always clean your razor thoroughly after each use according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Most modern electric razors can be safely rinsed under tap water for effective cleaning.

Make sure the battery has enough juice.

This is not only important to complete the shave, but some razors can’t maintain peak power when the battery is almost drained.

Charging an electric shaver.

This can cause hair pulling and force you to do unnecessary passes to get a clean shave, leading to discomfort and irritation.

2. Prep work

Dry shaving only: keep your face and shaver as dry as possible.

While washing your face and regularly exfoliating the skin are mandatory for a healthy skin, avoid doing it right before a dry shave.

Also, make sure your razor is perfectly dry as well for optimal performance and comfort.

Dry shaving only: use a pre-electric shave lotion.

If you prefer to shave dry (and most men do), I highly recommend using a pre-shave lotion.

A pre-shave can reduce the risk or razor burn.

It will absorb all the moisture and skin oils while making the hairs stand up and make the skin plump and taut, minimizing the risk of small nicks.

The result is an improvement in the closeness and comfort of the shave.

Wet shaving only: use a quality shaving cream.

First of all, if you suffer from razor burn and haven’t tried wet shaving yet, you’re probably missing out on a great opportunity.

If your electric razor allows wet & dry operation, grab a good shaving cream and give it a try. It just might be your most comfortable shave yet.

Wet shaving only: use plenty of warm water.

Wash your face with a mild cleanser and exfoliate the skin two times a week with a gentle scrub.

Taking a hot shower before shaving is also recommended as the steam and hot water will open the pores, causing the hairs to stand straight.

Wet shaving only: use a thin layer of lather and give it time to act on the hairs.

After applying the lather to your face, don’t start shaving right away. Instead, allow the shaving cream a few minutes to act on your beard.

The outer layer of the hair is a very tough shell called the cuticle and can only be softened by the alkaline components of the shaving cream.

Also, using too much shaving cream will have a negative impact on the results. In my experience, a more watery, slick layer works best and won’t clog the razor.

3. Shaving technique

Don’t press too hard.

As mentioned at the beginning, this is probably the main cause of razor burn when using an electric shaver.

Some users just assume that it’s safe to apply more pressure simply because there’s no blade directly touching the skin.

That’s a wrong assumption. If you constantly have to press harder or do additional strokes then it’s time to change the blades or buy a better razor.

Most of the time you should let the shaver do all the work for you.

Start off with the most sensitive area.

For the majority of men, that would be the neck. The advantages of doing so are multiple: a cool shaving head, more battery charge, more patience and thoroughness from your part.

Keep the number of passes to a minimum.

While not to the extent of a razor blade, an electric razor can still scrape off tiny bits of skin cells, especially if you press too hard. Thus, going over the same area multiple times can lead to razor burn.

Shave against the grain.

While it may sound counter-intuitive as the recommendation for traditional shaving is to always go with the grain in order to avoid razor burn, electric shavers simply don’t work that way.

In order for the hairs to be effectively captured by the foils, the direction of the stroke should be against the grain.

In the case of rotary razors, the overlapping circular movements will ensure an efficient shave. It’s a good idea to try both clockwise and counterclockwise strokes depending on the direction of the grains.

For a complete guide on shaving technique, check out this post.

Allow your skin to heal between shaving sessions.

If razor burn is still present to some degree, you may want to wait a bit more before shaving again.

Going over a rash, even with a gentle electric razor, will only make things worse.

Shaving every two days should be a good compromise as the length of the hairs will still be manageable for a capable razor.

4. Post-shave treatment

Wash your face with cold water.

Cold water has a calming and refreshing effect on your skin and closes the pores. Also, it removes any remaining traces of pre-shave lotion or lather in the case of wet electric shaving.

Pat your face dry and apply a soothing, hydrating aftershave balm.

Use a clean, soft towel and don’t rub it into your skin. Also, only use it on your face.

Many men seem to think that electric shaving doesn’t require the use of an aftershave. And that’s a big mistake, especially in the context of preventing razor burn.

A quality aftershave can help with razor burn.

I highly recommend using a moisturizing, alcohol-free, lightly-scented balm. Use it sparingly and gently massage it into the skin.

A great and inexpensive option is the Proraso Sensitive After Shave Balm or the Nivea Sensitive Balm.

For a complete guide on recommended aftershave balms make sure to check out this article.

Avoid touching your face and wearing tight collars or anything that rubs against your skin.

Also, avoid washing your face with warm water. The skin is particularly susceptible to razor burn and irritation immediately after shaving.

Article by

Hey. I’m Ovidiu, the founder and editor of ShaverCheck. I independently buy and test electric shavers and I’ve been sharing my findings on this site for more than 10 years, hopefully helping others choose a suitable shaver.

If you found the information useful, consider subscribing to the ShaverCheck newsletter as well. It’s free and I only send a few emails a year. Unsubscribe at any time.

48 thoughts on “How To Eliminate Razor Burn And Irritation From Electric Shavers”

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  1. I just purchased a Braun 5090cc a week ago after years of using the Andis t edge outliner. I’ve tried 2 older versions of the Phillip’s norelco rotary shavers and suffered from outbreaks and irritation.

    So far so good. I’ve also incorporated a toner and exfoliation so I’m sure this is helpful to the smooth transition. I’m an African American man and was quite skeptical of an actual shaver working on my face but if I’m not suffering after 5 days in a row, I’m not expecting problems later. Hopefully the shaver lasts me a few years to justify the cost.

    • Hi Changa,

      thank you for sharing your experience. The Series 5 is definitely suitable for blemish prone skin, so I’d say you made an excellent choice. I also prefer foil razors and used to suffer from the same issues – nasty rashes after every shave. Your 5090cc should last for a few good years with proper care and maintenance.


    • Hi Alex,

      I think an automated cleaning station can yield benefits only when a manual cleaning is not properly done. It doesn’t really matter how you clean an electric shaver as long as you clean it thoroughly. A clean and sanitized shaving head is particularly important in this context as all the dead skin cells and dirt form a thriving environment for bacteria. The real advantage of an automated cleaning station is convenience – you just toss the shaver into the base to have it sanitized and lubricated for the next shave.

  2. i purchased philips rotary blade shaver as my beard hairs are extra hard and my skin is sensitive at the same time. i did a bit of research before buying it as i heard foil based electric shavers are not good for extra hard hairs. is it right? further do you prefer shaving everyday or on alternative days with the electric shavers?

    • It is generally said about rotary shavers that they’re better suited for coarse facial hair. However, I haven’t found rotary shavers to be particularly better in this regard when compared to a capable foil shaver. An entry level electric shaver will have some trouble with thick beards regardless if it’s a rotary or a foil shaver.

      I am pretty much in the same situation as you, having been blessed with coarse hair and sensitive skin. In my case I get consistently better results with foil shavers used every other day. Shaving is very personal and this is what works best for me. My advice is to try shaving every day for a while and see how it goes. Then you can shave every other day and see if this is any better. Shaving every other day is helpful in my case as the extra day allows my skin to heal from any potential irritation caused by a previous shave.

      Hope this helps.


  3. I just bought Braun 9093 wet/dry to replace my 2 old series 3 shavers 360/Flex XP (flex XP has closer shave/360 had dead battery that barely lasted 20 min)

    The 9093 definitely is smoother shave and less irritation, but my shave take just as long maybe few min less or more. Shaver head get just as hot as old 2 which probably has to do with it have much more vibrations per sec , but the shave is much closer and much better around the neck and chin I hoping it will reduce the electric razor bumps and ingrown hair i get, but i only been using it for 2 days.

    Have not tried it wet or with shaving cream which really trying to void cause just adds to daily shaving time, I found with my old shavers if I turn shaver on and ran it it under cool water then shaved I had much less irritation it didn’t reduce the bump or ingrown hair though. Rotatory Razors are not option every one I tried burned the hell out face and irration much much worse then with foil shaers

    In the end the 9093 get damn near close to razor close shave but i have to work to get that. I got a 240$ shaver for 149$ gona give few weeks to see if it worth money i payed even if i got cheap it. my main purpose was to just stop using 2 electrics + manual razor for touch ups, even though some time i would just use manual razors for week then next electric, I hate both. cut and irritations my skin and pull hair even when new blades, other takes longer to shave and irritates skin less, both leave razor bumps and ingrown hair but have issue around chin/neck

    IF in then it dont turn of any better I will just return it and get cheapest series 5 I can get cause I really do like the pivoting head that makes gett under the chin and neck much easier my FLEX XP series 3 has that but no series 3 since has that

    • Thanks for the comment. I personally never experienced any heating issues with the Series 9. The same goes for the Series 5 or 7. The 9093s doesn’t come with a cleaning station, so you must lubricate the foils and middle trimmers yourself. This can help with reducing the heat during use.

      Depending on where you bought your 9093s, the retail package can include a small bottle of lubricant. If yours does not, you can use a spray lubricant or any light oil like sewing machine oil.

      If you prefer to shave dry you can also try a pre-shave talcum or lotion/gel. This can also help with reducing the irritation and overall improving your shave.

      Hope this helps.


      • Got mine of Amazon during the prime sale I was kind sad it didnt come with bottle of lubricate considering the price of the shaver. I have to say thought I find the “precision” cutter use less compared to my 360/FleX XP trimmer what those actual cut the 9093 dont, or maybe the something i missing something

        I kind prefer wet shave but by wet I mean my face is wet with maybe dove soap on my face, not with shaving cream.

        Due to fact I had break out with my older shavers, of razor bumps and in grown hair i had to pull out I really have avoiding shaving around those areas which usual take week or more to go away or more. the heat i feel could probably be do to fact i did tend to over same spots alot and use decent amount pressure with old shavers so probably have to train my self to stop doing that.

        • I personally find pretty much all the long hair trimmers to be average at best, even the ones on high-end shavers, so I stopped having high expectations. If they work decently for trimming my sideburns then I’m happy. With the Series 9 I always remove the shaving head as it gets in the way and I can’t really see what I’m doing. I have the same problem with Panasonic shavers and use the same workaround.

          You can definitely try a wet shave and see how it goes, whether it means just wetting your face or using some product. I never managed to get a decent shave in the shower or just by having my face wet. The shaver tends to hop and drag over the skin. So shaving cream/soap is a must for me.

          Pressing hard doesn’t help at all, so it’s a good idea to try not to do it anymore. A single drop of light oil on the cutters before your shave should help with reducing the heat as well.


  4. Hello,

    I just purchased a Braun 7898cc electric shaver last month and have been experiencing burns and redness in the neck area, right from the first shave. The pain is severe and lasts for 2-3 days until my next shave. The shave is also not clean around that area. I shave using a foam and clean the shaver with the cleaning station provided with the kit, after every shave.

    Please advise if I’m missing something here.


    • Hi Rishi,

      There are a few things you need to consider: a suitable razor, proper technique and adequate complementary products (shaving cream, aftershave balm etc.). The Series 7 7898cc is actually a very good option for sensitive skin, so I’d say that you’re covered in this regard. A Braun Series 9 is gentler to the skin and more forgiving, but also significantly more expensive compared to the Series 7. It’s hard to tell if it will make a difference in your case since it’s very difficult for me to assess the cause of your discomfort and post-shave irritation. The shaver may or may not be the culprit.

      Shaving technique is also detrimental; make sure to only use the slightest amount of pressure and let the shaver do the work. Your strokes should be gentle, short and controlled. Shaving every two days is probably the right thing to do since your skin needs some time to heal.

      It’s also a good thing that you decided to use shaving cream. Try different brands as well. The ones from Proraso, Speick or Taylor of Old Bond Street are reasonably priced and perform great. Just make sure to pick the ones that are suitable for sensitive skin. Stay away from foam and gels that come in pressurized cans. You can also check out this article for more details on wet shaving. Always follow up your shave with a hydrating balm.

      Finally, if nothing seems to help you should see a dermatologist. In fact, I think it’s a good idea to do it anyway. I am not by any means qualified to give medical advice, so getting a professional opinion on this is highly recommended.

      Hope this helps.


  5. After 6 years of using vintage straight razors, honing, & stropping my curiosity got the best of me about the electric razor world. I picked up a Braun Series 3 wet/dry and have had to accept that much like wet shaving, using electrics comes with its own learning curve that shouldn’t be dismissed. The BS3 is a decent razor but I didn’t realize how much a good cleaner/lube spray would help. I think I shortened the life of the original cassette prematurely but now I think the 2nd one will last much longer now that I have a good spray. I want to make sure I get all the basics about maintenance down before I move up to the next level electric. They can’t really match a well honed straight razor in terms of closeness and comfort but I’m finding that when handled properly an electric can certainly offer quality results. Thanks for all your articles because it seems like no one is really talking that much about something as basic as lubing the foil/blades for example. Not sure why I had to go deep diving online to find out something so basic…

    • Hi Devan,

      Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it. You are absolutely right, lubrication (and cleaning) will have a great impact on the performance and longevity of an electric shaver.


    • Hi Mark,

      As long as you’re not applying excessive force and you’re gently keeping the skin taut so you can shave easier, it shouldn’t cause irritation.


  6. Hello. Today was my third shave with my Braun 7840 shaver. Its my first electric shaver at all. I was using the Philips OneBlade till now. But I have some bad irritation (whiteheads and razor burn), so I wanna know if really my skin gotta take some time to adjust to this type of shave … ? Or its not true at all… and they tell u this only to buy them products … (sry for my bad English for 2nd time haha)

    • Hello Ivan,

      Yes, it is true, but it mainly has to do with switching from a razor blade to an electric shaver. When going from the OneBlade to a foil electric shaver the skin shouldn’t need much adjustment, however, your technique will. In my opinion that’s the main cause for the irritation you’re experiencing.

      The results will definitely get better in time, just remember not to press too hard and try to shave regularly. A typical foil shaver should be used on short stubble, while the OneBlade can handle a much longer beard as it’s a different type of product.


      • I tried to use it every day for about 3 days but my skin gets worse and worse and I dont even press hard (I dont even see a difference between the OneBlade and the Braun actually , thats how gentle I am…) do u think I should try it with shaving cream ? Is it really a difference

        • If the skin is very tender after the shave, waiting one day between shaving sessions could be a good idea. A good shaving cream or a pre-shave lotion could help as well.

      • i used the popup trimmer of philips aquatouch AT890 forever and got the cleanest shave from 2013 to 2018 until i brok it though got two replacements in between and i never used the rotary head for shaving ever . 1 year back i started to use the philips series 7000 popoff trimmer amd hyperpigmented my skin god it was irritating icdidnt even notice it. Now in 2020 july 19 i m using the rotary head for the first time in my life but getting tingly after being carefully shaving . I dont want hyperpigmented skin it just doesnt suit me. what shall i do please help me …..??????

        • Rotary razors do have a tendency to pull the hairs, especially the ones that usee a double blade (the so-called Super Lift&Cut system). If shaving with electric razors causes you serious skin problems, you may be better off with something that doesn’t shave as close. If you were satisfied with using the popup trimmer, why not trying a dedicated trimmer like the Philips OneBlade that was specifically designed with that in mind? I think one that would be a really good option.


          • i m using the popup trimmer of AT890 philips aquatouch but it doesnt cleanly close shave like it used to with my beard . I think my beard has darkened also. Shall i use the shaving head of Philips series 7000 for a while as i have only that and see whats happening to my skin after shaving but a Few shaves later i had seen that it doesnt burn my skin by doing an experiment like Apply johnsons moisturizing cream after shaving and seeing if it burns or not thats a trick i used yesterday and it didnt just a little just at the border of my upper lips . Also i had seen the shaving head shouldnt be forced to the skin just a light kiss of the head does a lot maybe its because my facial hairs a thinner due to genetic reasons.

          • You definitely shouldn’t apply any pressure at all, just let the shaver do the work. I can’t really say what you should do as I am not a doctor nor am I familiar with the skin issue you’re having, but as long as you don’t notice any serious problems after using the Series 7000 maybe you should give it a chance.

  7. While using the Philips Aquatouch series 7000 shaver forsensitive skin i have seen its better use the shaverheads outer rings of pores( the pores thats made for the blade to cut ) which my model has 2 rings of pores on the shaver heads . So sorry i am writing like this . Please do forgive me. I shaved with only one head of the shaver and used the edge of it to get irritation free shaving and it was wonderful clean safe shave with no pain or irritation whatsover. Going circular with the edge pores of my shaver head and going against the grain produced a lovely shave with no irritation whatsoever but using the entire shaving head produced micropulling and irritation. I dont know whether i am able to make you understand or not. So sorry its wierd but i tried to do what you and the philips guide said but still there were irritation . Also i tried the usual way of shaving with the three heads and experienced irritation and by irritation i mean microcuts which i felt after shaving for half a day. But funny thing I have a Philips aquatouch of 2012 i gues model name is HQ8250 which i salvaged the shaver heads on the other (aquatouch AT890 2019) i have and replaced those nasty shaver heads (highly irritating and damges skin in the long run) of it and i tested on myself and it works GODLY !!!!. I dont know what Philips is doing with their shaving heads but the previous blades of 2012 that i used 3 days back literally speaking for all those men out there it the best shave i got with 4 irritation spots which i intentionally wanted to do like I literally pressed so hard against my skin and i got a small nick . It was tender for two days amd i deserved it . But my question is whether the blades i was given in the box of AT890 2019 was defective or not . Or maybe Philips has started to take a deep down slope in their production. Please Sir do a review of the Philips Aquatouch AT890 and see whats wrong and also i should tell you that the Popup trimmer of my AT890 2019 set that i bought new was completely different ( irritating and damages skin) from the the same models of 2017( pleasant and satisfying). Extremely frustrating. Last thing is that the shaver heads and the blades have to return to the old design this proves the new blades either have some lifting mechanism thats a little altered than before thats creating this pandamonium .

    • Hi,

      Thank you for your comment.

      The older Philips blades do seem to be of higher quality and provide a more comfortable shave, even the ones fitted with the second row of blades (the Lift & Cut system). I don’t think there was something wrong with the blades of your AT890, that’s just how they perform and some users (myself included) are a lot more susceptible to the discomfort, stings and micro-cuts that rotary razors tend to inflict. I haven’t tested the AT890, but I’ve used other Philips shavers that come with the same SH50 blades and basically offer a similar shave. And I can confirm that I also experienced similar issues. As a disclaimer, I’ve never got along too well with rotary shavers, the only exception from Philips’ current lineup being the Series 9000 Prestige.


      • After 20 days of mixed usage Philips Aquatouch series 7000 for sensitive skin has worked nicely. No Tingling sensation after shaving unless u really move harshly. Gives a close shave and has to be used when the hairs are a little longer tiny bit though. I ll say that the shave is good and gives only 1% skin irritation in one or two places . Technique is Everything !!!! Also the popoff trimmer a big let off to the tell the Truth. The old design like the AT890 with the popup trimmer was the best feature of the shaver . I had also used the AT890 during this 1 month and had also seen even closer shave than the Series7000 but way more skin irritation and sore after the usage to be honest . I have very short whiskers i shaved everyday. My thinking is that the Series 7000 is good for extremely sensitive skin like mine . Dont know about the series 9000 though admin what do you think about it and please if you could advice me what to do now as i experience a little skin irritation and slight burning? I used daily noisturizing cream johnsons and after shave Nivea sensitive for the irritation .

        • My advice would be to stick to the Series 7000 as it seems to yield very good results for you. I doubt the Series 9000 will be noticeably better, maybe the Series 9000 Prestige would indeed be better, but that one costs quite a lot and again I don’t think it’s worth getting in this case.


  8. Hi. I’m new to electric shaving and after my first shave with Braun 5 series I experience alot of irritation and burning sensation on my neck. So today while I’m waiting for my skin to heal I was just standing in front of the mirror and practicing my self for the next shave ,specially on my neck (because my hair is growing in ALL kind of directions). My question is , may I dull the blades by doing this ,while the shaver was off ,because there was two-three-four times that I catch some hairs inside the foils and I was feeling that. So now Im little upset if I really dull the blades, by doing this while the shaver was off…

    • Hi Ryan,

      It’s unlikely to have caused anything serious to the blades, but doing so does make the foils snag some hairs and it’s really painful. What happens is that some hairs poke through the foils and get caught right between it and the blades (which are stationary since the shaver is turned off). Your results will get better as your skin gets used to the new method of shaving and your technique will improve gradually as you continue using the shaver. Just remember to go slow, against the grain, and only apply the slightest of pressure.


  9. What means the slightest of pressure for you ,sir ? My shave today was OK , I mean no irritation ,but surely not close ,I mean the cheeks was BBS,but the chin,neck area was with lefotver stubble. Am I supposed to just glide the razor ,and let it do his work or I should apply pressure at all ? Because whenever I was trying to apply pressure on my previous shaves , I end up with BBS shave, but irritated also on some spots (mostly on the each side of my neck right down of my sideburn areas ,which is strange)

    • How much pressure one can handle before experiencing irritation varies from user to user (and the shaver will also matter). You’ll just have to experiment for yourself, starting with a very light touch and increasing it gradually to the point where you can get a good compromise between a comfortable and a reasonably close shave. It’s always more difficult to get a smooth shave on the neck and chin compared to the cheeks, even for someone that doesn’t normally get irritation.

  10. And I actually can’t feel the pivoting/flexing technology for following the contours of your face since I dont wanna apply pressure at all. I see that I have to apply any pressure to make the head moving? Is it just me ?

    • The up and down movement of the head is mainly there for your convenience so you don’t have to constantly adjust the angle between the shaver’s body and the area being shaved. It’s particularly useful when shaving the area between the jaw and neckline. Hope this makes sense.


      • Thanks for the quick answers , sir ! Do u think it will be more useful and more safe (in terms of irritation) if I use the privilege of the flexing head of the Braun or I should constantly adjust the angle of the shaver , since my neck grows sideways on my left and on the adams apple area , and sideways + upwards on the right side of my neck ? Sorry for my questions ,but I feel like I’m starting to give up on the shaver ,because of that irritation and stubble issue , and you are like the electric shaving Guru.

        • You are very welcome, glad I could be of help. You should definitely change the direction (not angle) of the stroke so that you’re always going against the grain. This actually doesn’t have much to do with the up/down flexing of the head (again, it’s mainly there to put less strain on your wrist).

          For example, on your right side of the neck, where the hair grows upwards, you should move the shaver downwards in order to get a clean and smooth shave.

          Unlike in the case of traditional shaving where going against the grain would not be recommended, it is the other way around here. So always make sure to adjust and move the shaver against the direction of growth.


  11. Hello. By shaving every two days for the skin to heal , do u mean every other day actually ? Or shaving for example Monday, then shaving at Thursday. Thanks!

    • Hi Patrick,

      I meant every two days (Monday and Thursday), but that can definitely be reduced to a single day between shaving sessions if you can still shave without major discomfort.


  12. hi there all! i have very sensitive skin myself, have tried a few top of the line electric razors, my face works out just fine but my neck, wow, it gets bright red inflamed and swollen, i always use a cortisone cream after shaving at night and wake up and the redness and burning is then gone otherwise it would be a quite prolonged painful situation..would love not to use a cortisone cream but this is the only thing that give me relief from the extreme redness burning and swelling, any suggestions? thanks!

    • Hi Josh,

      As someone dealing with sensitive neck skin, I know how that feels. For me, the best solution was the use of an electric pre-shave lotion (the best I’ve tried are the Tabac and Speick pre-shaves — I wrote a detailed guide on that here) + a mild electric shaver. My pick would be the Braun Series 7 (the older pre-2020 models like the 790cc, 7865cc, 7893s, etc.). Of course, you should always take extra care when shaving the neck, never applying excessive pressure, and always take your time doing it.


  13. Ovidiu,
    Thanks for your advice.
    I think as I’ve aged, my skin has gotten thinner. I now have red spots on my face after shaving with a blade. Enen though I try to shave using minimum pressure.
    I’m thinking of getting one of the Braun Series 9 razors.
    I do have one question.
    At the end of my shave, I rinse my face, pat it dry with a soft towel, and then coat my face and neck with Vaseline Intensive Care lotion. After it soaks in for a couple of minutes, I lightly remove any excess lotion with my hands.
    If I follow your instructions for shaving using the Braun razor, can I still use moisturizing method after shaving?
    Thanks for your help.

    • Hi Jerry,

      Thank you for your comment. I don’t see why you shouldn’t continue with your post-shave routine if it works well for you. I always recommend following up the shave with a cold water rinse and your aftershave of choice. Even though electric shaving is less taxing on the skin compared to an exposed blade, it’s still highly beneficial to apply an aftershave/moisturizer.


  14. Hi Ovidiu,

    I see that technique is everything and I am working with my new Braun 7071. I am almost at my two week mark of getting my face used to the new process. I have recently seen the return of some itchy bumps so I wonder if I should shave every other day and continue to use light pressure.

    I think maybe I don’t always go as light as I should. I notice going against the grain is not as comfortable so I also tried going across the grain too – not as close but more comfort during shave. Maybe my stubble is too short (and prickly) shaving everyday and that makes it less comfortable? Also, maybe the stokes should be shorter going against the grain on my neck?

    Sorry for my rambling thoughts – there is no one else to really discuss this! I am enjoying my new Braun 7071 but now wonder if I should’ve bought the Braun 9 instead. I am hoping with practice going against the grain will be more comfortable. I am going to try the next few weeks skipping a day of shaving and see how that works. Also, I will soon introduce wet shaving.

    Thank you!

    • Hey Todd,

      Thank you for your comment.

      I do not know if this is your first electric shaver, but going light is always a good idea. And in this context, when you’re getting these post-shave bumps, it makes even more sense. Pressing too hard will scrape off some skin cells surrounding the hair shaft, making it more likely to cause this pseudofolliculitis. Also, cutting the hairs too short can make things worse.

      I would continue shaving against the grain (otherwise the razor is just not effective at cutting the hair), but with very light pressure and using slow, controlled strokes. If you haven’t tried it already, a pre-shave lotion can help, sometimes quite a lot. The ones from Speick and Tabac are my picks.

      I own the 7071 and a few Series 9 models and at least in my experience, the Series 9 is a better shaver in every way. I’m not saying that you should get it (it’s also a lot more expensive). In my opinion the older Series 7 generation (with models like the 790cc, 7865cc and so on) is just as good as the Series 9. I would have definitely recommended one of those over the 7071 (which is part of the newest Series 7 line).

      Also, skipping a day or two when you’re dealing with bumps is definitely recommended.


      • Thank you Ovidiu,

        Yes this is my very first electric shaver. This morning I did something different and treated the Braun like a DE, and lightly moved the shaver with no pressure all against the grain, and there was no discomfort – not even on the chin and neck! And still a close shave! Maybe this is how I should do it. My face still feels great after a couple of hours since the shave.

        I should mention that I started using Williams Lectric Shave and I think this has improved my comfort level – as the shaver seems to glide easier on my face – I read your article on pre-shaves and I can’t wait to try other ones now.

        Thank you!

        • You’re very welcome. That’s awesome, glad it’s already getting better. Definitely give the others a try if you can.


  15. I’m currently using the Remmington Quickcut which although easy to use, you may know that it doesn’t give a all over smooth finish.

    Rather more of a stubble look.

    I used to use every other day, but in the last few months I’m using everyday, but have noticed irritation on the back of my head with bumps.

    I have a Braun series 3 shaver, but I don’t think that we be capable of using for a headshave.

    I recently ordered a the Remmington RX5 head shaver.

    It’s supposed to get a more closer cut then the Remington clipper.

    • Hi David,

      The Remington QuickCut is basically a tweaked hair clipper (wider, curved blade), so it will always give you that stubble look. The RX5 on the other hand should get noticeably closer.



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