Braun Series 7 vs 6 vs 5 (new models): The Definitive Guide

In January 2020, Braun quietly released 3 new lines of electric shavers: the Series 7, the Series 6 and the Series 5.

Initially released exclusively to the USA and Canada markets, these shavers are now available in Europe as well.

And while Braun’s previous releases were mostly rebranded, older shavers (like the Series 8 or the 93xx Series 9), the 2020 models are completely new: new design, new shaving heads, new accessories, and new cleaning stations.

Even though it wasn’t a massive launch, these shavers sparked a lot of interest among current (and future) Braun users.

However, there are a lot of unanswered questions as well, particularly regarding how these new series compare against each other and what are the differences between the various models in a series.

In order to address this, I bought the new Series 7, 6, and 5 and thoroughly tested them for a couple of weeks.

In this guide, I will share my conclusions, covering all the important aspects (including how they compare to the previous generations) and hopefully helping you make the right decision.

Let’s dive right in.

Braun Series 7

The new Braun Series 7.

The launch of a new Series 7 is undoubtedly a big deal for Braun; the original Series 7 was arguably their best-selling electric razor of the past 10 years, so the hype around this particular series is not surprising.

Well, it finally happened and we have a new Series 7 lineup, at least from a name perspective.

It’s important to note that the old Series 7 models are still widely available around the world (and still promoted heavily).

At this moment both the new 2020 Series 7 and the older models are available in the USA, even though Braun’s USA website now only lists the new models.

We can easily identify the new razors as all of them start with 70, while the original Series 7 have either 3 digits (like 790cc) or start with 78 (like 7865cc).

For clarity’s sake, we will refer to the new 2020 Series 7 as Series 7 70.

Let’s quickly take a closer look at what they have to offer.

1. Main features

New design

While not technically a feature, I think it’s definitely worth mentioning.

The new series comes with a completely new design that has nothing in common with the original S7.

The new Series 7 also sports a new design.

It looks more modern and slick and this is a welcome change as the older one was getting a bit long in the tooth.

New versus old Series 7 models.
New versus old Series 7 models.

3 blade shaving system

It’s business as usual with the shaving system of the new Series 7: there are two foils that cut hairs close to the skin and a middle trimmer that captures longer, flat-lying hairs.

2020 Braun Series 7 shaving system.

However, the shaving head is completely redesigned and uses a new cassette. The part number is 73s (silver) or 73b (black).

360° Flex head

The shaving head of the new Series 7 70 is suspended on a special mount, allowing it to swivel not just up and down, but from left to right as well.

The left to right flexing head of the new S7.

The three cutting elements can also move independently.

Autosense technology

Braun ditched the speed settings found on the original Series 7 and went with a sensor that supposedly detects the beard density and adapts the power accordingly.

The S7 is the only one that comes with this technology (the new Series 6 and 5 don’t have it).

Easy click attachments

Gone is the pop-up trimmer as well; instead, Braun includes these trimmer attachments and combs that you can use instead of the regular foil head.

The EasyClick precision trimmer.

The included accessories vary depending on the model — we’ll take a detailed look in the next section.

Cordless, wet & dry use

All the new Series 7 70 variations can only be operated cordless (50 minutes of use) and are suitable for wet & dry use.

Since they’re waterproof, you can also clean them with water.

2. Braun Series 7 (2020) Model Comparison

So far there are 5 Series 7 70 models available in the USA/Canada, the differences between them consisting in color and included accessories.

The global/European versions are a lot more (so far I’ve counted 16, but there could be more).

In the UK there are 3 Series 7 models available: 70-N1200s, 70-N7200cc, and 70-B7850cc.

The performance is identical throughout the entire Series 7 70 lineup (both USA and European).

Here is a table showcasing the differences between the USA & Canada models:

Model nameAccessoriesPrice
Series 7 7085cc (black)
Cleaning station, beard trimmer (5 combs),
stubble trimmer (4 combs)
See on Amazon
Series 7 7075cc (black)
Braun Series 7 7075cc
Cleaning station, beard trimmer (5 combs)See on Amazon
Series 7 7071cc (silver)
Braun Series 7 7071cc
Cleaning station, beard trimmer (no combs)See on Amazon
Series 7 7020s (silver)
Braun Series 7 7020s
Beard trimmer (no combs)See on Amazon
Series 7 7027cs (silver)
Braun Series 7 7027cs
Charge stand, beard trimmer (5 combs)See on Amazon

Images credit: Braun USA

Note: all Series 7 models come with a hard travel case, cleaning brush and charging cord. The table only depicts the accessories that vary across the different models.

Until now, all the Braun models that came with a cleaning station ended in cc, while the other ones ended in s.

With the new Series 7, Series 6 and 5, we have the cs models as well; these do not include a cleaning station, but come with a basic charging stand.

3. Performance

There are obviously high expectations from a Series 7 and I’ll have to admit that I was both excited and reluctant about this one.

Unfortunately, after using the 7071cc Series 7 for a few weeks, I was a bit disappointed with its performance.

Braun Series 7 7071cc.
Braun Series 7 7071cc

It’s not a bad shaver by any means, but it’s clearly a step down from the previous generation: it’s not as powerful, it’s not as good with longer, flat-lying hairs and it’s not as forgiving if you have very sensitive skin.

The closeness is adequate, but definitely not the best in this price range.

To me, the new Series 7 70 feels more like a Series 3 on steroids. And it makes sense since the shaving head is remarkably similar (pictured below).

The new Series 7 cassette (top) next to the similarly looking Series 3 cassette.
The new Series 7 cassette (top) next to the similarly-looking Series 3 cassette.

Again, I think it’s a decent shaver, especially when used on short facial hair and for users with less coarse beards, but it feels underwhelming for a Series 7.

The Series 7 is the most powerful of these new 2020 models; it is especially noticeable when compared side by side with the Series 6 and 5.

The 360 Flexing of the head also seems more like a gimmick that looks good in the specs sheet as the left to right movement doesn’t seem to improve the experience to a significant degree.

The AutoSense technology that should adjust the power of the shaver automatically also doesn’t seem to be doing anything, at least I wasn’t able to detect any changes in the shaver’s behavior.

For more details regarding the performance and all the pros and cons of the new S7 70, make sure to check out my review of it and also the comparison with the previous Series 7 that we all know.

The cleaning stations that come with the 2020 Series 7 70 models also seem to be a downgrade.

The Braun Series 7 7071cc during the cleaning process.
The Braun Series 7 7071cc during the cleaning process.

You cannot just charge the shaver anymore without also cleaning it, there are no cleaning modes (short, normal, intensive) and there’s a long arm that sticks out and makes the station more difficult to store and transport.

Again, it looks more like a Series 3 station that was slightly modified.

There’s no active drying mode either, so the cleaning fluid will naturally evaporate over the course of several hours.

In all fairness, the inductive drying system was dropped from the older stations as well a few years ago.

Important: the s and cs Series 7 models that don’t come with the cleaning station are compatible with it and will work with one purchased separately (or from a cc model).

The EasyClick attachments are a bit fiddly to change since the cassette doesn’t have any release buttons (a cost-saving measure and another step down from the old Series 7), so you’ll have to use brute force to remove it.

Series 7 7071cc trimmer attachment.

For someone rocking a beard or design stubble, the trimmer attachment could be very useful, especially with the Series 7 models that include different size combs (you can refer to the table above).

However, if you prefer a clean shave and only need a trimmer for some quick on-the-fly tweaks (like shaping your sideburns), an integrated trimmer would have been more useful and practical.

Braun Series 6

The Braun Series 6.

The Series 6 is the novelty of this 2020 launch in the way that we didn’t previously have a Series 6 line (as opposed to the Series 7 and 5).

And just by comparing it side by side to the Series 7, it’s immediately apparent that they are quite similar.

To me, the Series 6 feels like a less powerful Series 7 that also lacks some of its bells and whistles.

But other important aspects (like the cassette, ease of use, ergonomics) are pretty much the same.

1. Main features

3 blade shaving head

The Series 6 comes with a very similar shaving head to the Series 7, comprised of two foils and one middle trimmer.

The Series 6 cassette seems identical to the 73s/73b and it will even fit the Series 7 perfectly (and vice-versa), even though it has a different part number, 53b (black).

Fun fact: the new Series 5 also uses the same 53b cassette as the Series 6.

SensoFlex shaving head

Unlike the Series 7, the head of the Series 6 can only move up and down.

The flexible shaving head on the new Series 6 6075cc.

Braun calls this up and down movement SensoFlex in the case of the Series 6. This would be the first major difference compared to the Series 7.

The three cutting elements can still move independently.

The Series 6 shaving head can only move up and down.

Since the Series 6 costs less and is basically a less advanced model, they had to give up on some of the features.

But as you’ll see, you’re not losing much in terms of actual shaving performance. I’d even say that a shaving head that can only move up and down (with a decent range of motion) is all you need.

EasyClick attachments

The same accessories available with specific Series 7 models are also present with the Series 6 shavers.

The accessories included with the Braun Series 6 6075cc.
The accessories included with the Braun Series 6 6075cc.

Precisely, we have the same trimmer that comes with all the 2020 models and up to 5 combs and also a stubble trimmer with 3 combs (available only with the 6090cc).

Cordless, wet & dry use

All Series 6 models are suitable for wet & dry use and again will only work cordless (50 minutes of use).

You can safely clean them either using the station or with water.

2. Braun Series 6 (2020) Model Comparison

There are 5 Series 6 models available at this moment in the USA/Canada.

Here’s a table showcasing the main differences:

Model nameAccesoriesPrice
Series 6 6090cc (blue)
Cleaning station, beard trimmer (5 combs),
stubble trimmer (4 combs)
See on Amazon
Series 6 6075cc (grey)
Cleaning station, beard trimmer (5 combs)See on Amazon
Series 6 6072cc (blue)
Cleaning station, Beard trimmer (no combs)See on Amazon
Series 6 6040cs (blue)
Beard trimmer (no combs), charging standBraun USA
Series 6 6020s (blue)
Beard trimmer (no combs)See on Amazon

Images credit: Braun USA

Note: all Series 6 models come with a hard travel case, cleaning brush and charging cord. The table only depicts the accessories that vary across the different models.

Just like with the Series 7 above, there are more global/European Series 6 models and have different names, but they are basically the same.

In the UK, the available Series 6 variations are the 60-B7500cc, 60-B7200cc, 60-B1200s, and 60-B1000s.

The performance is identical throughout the entire Series 6 range and again the only differences are related to color and included accessories.

3. Performance

The similar cassette and the overall resemblance to the new Series 7 70 also hint at a similar performance.

The Braun Series 6 held in hand.

And after using the Series 6 6075cc, I can confirm that it’s true, but there are a couple of important differences.

The first and most noticeable one (at least for me) was the less powerful motor fitted to the Series 6.

The shaver feels a bit underpowered, especially when shaving areas with dense and coarse hair.

For this reason, I don’t think it would be a good fit for users with a heavy beard. If you have light to medium facial hair you should be fine.

The second difference was the comfort; surprisingly, I found the Series 6 to be better than the Series 7 (despite the lack of power).

With the Series 7, I would often get some stinging and pinching during a dry shave on my neck. With the Series 6, this happened a lot less.

The closeness was okay-ish, maybe a bit behind the Series 7.

Overall, the shaving performance of the Series 6 was decent, but again, rather underwhelming for a shaver in this price range.

I will share a few alternatives that are better in my opinion later on.

My Series 6 is the 6075cc USA model that comes with the cleaning station.

Fun fact: the station of the new 2020 Series 7 is identical (same part number, model 5434) to the one that comes with the Series 6 shavers.

So for the first time, Braun uses the same station across multiple series.

Braun Series 5

The new Braun Series 5.

The Series 5 50 is the most affordable family of shavers in this release.

If I were to summarize it in one sentence, I’d say that the new Series 5 is essentially a Series 6 with a fixed shaving head.

Everything else is basically the same.

Let’s quickly go over the most important features.

1. Main features

3 blade shaving head

You can probably see where this is going — as already mentioned, the Series 5 uses the same cassette as the Series 6, the 53b.

The shaving head of the new Braun Series 5.
The shaving head of the new Braun Series 5.

The new Series 5 comes with a fixed shaving head, so it won’t even swivel up and down.

The three cutting elements are still able to move independently though.

In my opinion, this new Series 5 feels and performs more like a redesigned Series 3 than a Series 5 (I am of course referring to the older Series 5 with models like the 5140s, 5190cc, etc).

EasyClean system

The party piece of the new 2020 Series 5 is what Braun calls EasyClean.

Precisely, it’s a design feature that allows you to clean the shaver manually without removing the cassette.

Spoiler: in reality, it doesn’t really work.

EasyClick attachments

The same click-on trimmers and combs are present here as well and vary among the different Series 5 models.

The Series 5 5018s with the trimmer attachment.
The Series 5 5018s with the trimmer attachment.

There’s also a body trimmer + comb attachment specific to the Series 5 5050cs and the 50-W4650cs (UK model).

Cordless, wet & dry use

All the Series 5 models are waterproof and will only operate cordless (50 minutes of use).

2. Braun Series 5 (2020) Model Comparison

There are also 5 Series 5 models available right now in the USA and just like the other ones, the differences are only related to color and accessories.

Here are the new Series 5 50 models compared:

Model nameAccesoriesPrice
Series 5 5050cs (white)
Beard trimmer (no combs), body trimmer (2 combs),
charging stand
See on Amazon
Series 5 5049cs (blue)
Beard trimmer (5 combs), charging standBraun USA
Series 5 5035s (blue)
Beard trimmer (no combs), stubble trimmer (4 combs)Braun USA
Series 5 5020s (blue)
Beard trimmer (5 combs)See on Amazon
Series 5 5018s (blue)
Beard trimmer (no combs)See on Amazon

Images credit: Braun USA

Note: all Series 5 models come with a cleaning brush and charging cord (there’s no travel case unfortunately). The table only depicts the accessories that vary across the different models.

The models available in Europe are again the same performance-wise, but the accessories and colors will vary.

In the UK there are two models available, the Series 5 50-B1200s and 50-W4650cs.

You may have noticed that there aren’t any cc models available with this new Series 5 line.

So you’re not getting an automatic cleaning station regardless of the model you choose.

But there’s a silver lining to that: all the Series 5 models are actually compatible with the cleaning station included with the cc Series 7 and Series 6.

Cleaning the Braun 5018s in a compatible cleaning station.
Cleaning the Braun Series 5 5018s in a compatible cleaning station.

I tried cleaning my Series 5 5018s using the station of my 7071cc and it worked perfectly.

Hopefully, Braun will also start selling the cleaning station separately.

3. Performance

Being the least capable (at least on paper) and the cheapest of the 3, the Series 5 should also perform worse.

The new Braun Series 5 5018s.

And that’s somewhat true, even though the gap between the Series 5 and 6 is very small.

To me, they shave extremely similar, but I do miss the flexing head of the Series 6.

With the Series 5, you need to do more adjustments and wrist work, which can make your shave less enjoyable.

But other than that, the results are extremely similar in terms of comfort and closeness.

However, compared to the older Series 5 generation (with models like 5040s, 5140s and 5190cc), the performance is clearly a step-down.

The older Series 5 was more powerful, better with longer hairs and more comfortable.

In fact, with its fixed shaving head and the less powerful motor (same as the one in the Series 6), the new Braun Series 5 truly feels like a glorified Series 3.

For more details regarding the performance of the new Series 5, make sure to check out my review of the 5018s.

Another letdown was the EasyClean system that doesn’t really work as advertised.

According to Braun, you can clean the shaver without removing the cassette.

There’s a cutout below the shaving head covered by two rubber flaps.

Rinsing the shaver using the EasyClean cutout.

The water pressure forces the flaps inward and the water flushes through the cassette, theoretically removing the hairs trapped inside.

I tried it several times and even though I was extremely thorough, there were still quite a lot of hairs left behind.

So no, it doesn’t really work. Sticking to a more traditional method of cleaning will definitely get you better results.

Braun Series 7 vs Series 6 vs Series 5 (2020): which one to buy?

Braun Series 7 vs Series 6 vs Series 5

At this point, I think it’s safe to say that the 3 new families of shavers are more similar than different.

This doesn’t of course automatically make it easier to choose one over the other — quite the contrary.

Here’s an actionable summary that highlights the differences that really matter and should make it easier for you to decide which one to get:

Braun Series 7 (2020) The most powerful of the 3
Flexible shaving head
Suitable for medium to coarser hair
The least comfortable of the 3
The most expensive of the 3
Uses a virtually identical cassette as the other cheaper series
Underwhelming performance compared to the old Series 7 or even the old Series 5
Not great with long, flat-lying hairs despite the more powerful motor
Noisier than the Series 6 and 5
Braun Series 6 (2020) Flexible shaving head
The most comfortable of the 3
Probably the best compromise of cost and performance
Uses the same cleaning station as the Series 7
Not suitable for coarse facial hair
Similar performance-wise to the entry-level Series 3
Only suitable for shaving daily or every other day
Uses the same motor as the cheaper Series 5
Braun Series 5 (2020) Budget-friendly
Compatible with the cleaning stations shipped with the new Series 7 and 6
Uses the same cassette as the Series 6
Not suitable for coarse facial hair
Similar performance-wise to the entry-level Series 3
Fixed shaving head
The EasyClean system is a gimmick
A Series 3 is cheaper and comes with an integrated trimmer (certain models)
Only suitable for shaving daily or every other day
No travel case

If you can get past the cons and you’ll be using it mostly daily and don’t have a coarse beard, the Series 6 is probably the most compelling package, especially the 6075cc model that comes with 5 combs and a cleaning station.

Braun Series 6 6075cc

Braun Series 6 6075cc accessories.

See the price on Amazon

And I think these accessories can tip the balance in favor of the new Series 7, 6 or 5 when deciding between them and any other shavers that don’t offer such accessories.

Otherwise, I think there are better options out there for roughly the same money.

My main gripe with the 2020 Series 7, Series 6 and Series 5 is that they perform a bit underwhelming, they share similar parts (cassettes, design, cleaning stations and motors in the case of the Series 6 and 5) and are in many ways a downgrade from some existing Braun models.

So in my opinion, unless you have a very good reason to opt for one of these three new releases, I think you’d better off with something else.

And that leads us to the final part of this guide.

Are there better alternatives?

There are probably no surprises here as I’ve mentioned them quite a bit throughout the article.

So yes, the old Series 7 and 5 are simply better in every way that matters and if you can get them and don’t need the trimmer attachments and combs, I think you’ll be a lot happier.

Now, the comparison to the old Series 7 is a bit of a stretch considering that its price is clearly higher, at least in the USA.

The new and old S7.
The new and old S7.

However, it’s well worth the extra money in my opinion and if you opt for one of the solo models, you may even save some cash.

Again, you’ll find a very detailed comparison here, but to summarize, the old one has a vastly superior cassette, it’s more powerful, more comfortable (especially during a dry shave) and it’s a lot better with flat hairs.

Braun Series 7 7865cc.

See the price on Amazon

The cleaning station is also more practical.

Now, if the Series 7 is out of your budget, the old Series 5 is in my opinion still better than all the new 2020 Braun models, including the Series 7 70.

It’s actually quite close performance-wise to the old Series 7 (just not as refined and smooth), but it costs significantly less.

So all the advantages of the old Series 7 are still valid in the case of the old Series 5: it’s more comfortable, more powerful, better with longer, flat hairs and has a higher quality shaving head.

My choice would be the 5190cc as it comes with a cleaning station or the 5030s for its reasonable price and the ability to be used corded as well.

Braun Series 5 5190cc

See the price on Amazon

Do keep in mind that unlike the 2020 models, the old S5 solo shavers like the 5030s or 5140s will not work with a station purchased later on.

So if you want to use the station, you’ll have to opt for a cc model from the beginning.


So there it is, I truly think the old models will be a better buy unless you need the trimmer attachments and accessories that are only available with the new ones.

But then again, if you constantly grow a beard or stubble, you’d be better off with a full-fledged, dedicated beard trimmer instead.

And these older models will also be around for a while, so no need to worry about the availability of replacement shaving heads.

They are still widely available worldwide and at least for now, you can easily get them in the USA/Canada as well.

Finally, if you’re on a really tight budget, consider the Series 3 as well; it shaves very similarly to the Series 6 and 5 and it’s even available with a trimmer attachment and combs (the 3010BT model).

If you have any questions, make sure to post them in the comments below.

Article by

Hey. I’m Ovidiu, the founder and editor of ShaverCheck. I independently buy and test electric shavers and I’ve been sharing my findings on this site for more than 10 years, hopefully helping others choose a suitable shaver.

If you found the information useful, consider subscribing to the ShaverCheck newsletter as well. It’s free and I only send a few emails a year. Unsubscribe at any time.

104 thoughts on “Braun Series 7 vs 6 vs 5 (new models): The Definitive Guide”

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  1. Thanks for all the great information here — I’ve been paging through your reviews for a couple of hours.

    I’m looking on Amazon and cannot tell if the Series 7 790CC they are selling is the new 7790CC that has five speed modes. Most of the info on its listing seems to be about ALL series 7 shavers.

    Amazon is telling me I ordered one of these before in 2012 . . . and I know that was the older model. Do you know if the one they are selling is the newer 7790cc?

    I’m about to just buy a 7865 to be sure I get any updates since the 2012 790cc.

    • Hi John,

      Thank you, I really appreciate it.

      That would be impossible to tell just from the product listing as you can’t rely on the accuracy of the information. Also, many stores simply list the 7790cc as 790cc. Unless you have the confirmation from the vendor, it would probably be safer to get the 7865cc. But just keep in mind that the 7865cc will not work while charging. For me that’s not a big deal as I always shave cordless, but it seems to matter to others.


    • Hi Carlos,

      Thank you for your comment, much appreciated. Glad you found the site useful.


  2. I bought a new 7071cc a couple of months ago to replace my older 760cc. I really tried to like it but now have switched back to the older model, which I find gives me a better and smoother shave. I liked the new ‘form factor’ of the new Series 7, but the ‘plastically’ feel of the shaving head makes it less comfortable on my skin. I also did not like that the cleaning station did not have a ‘clean only’ mode like the older one, and so used up the cleaning fluid twice as quickly as the older model. In my opinion, the new Series 7 shavers are definitely a step down from the older models – but they do look good!

    • I meant a ‘charge only’ mode, as with the new cleaning station will only charge and clean simultaniously.

      • Sorry to hear about the disappointing experience, Steve. I feel the same way about the new Series 7 and I tried to express this as clear as possible in this post and in the direct comparison to the previous generation. In my opinion, the older one is superior in every way, at least with regard to performance.

        • Yes, unfortunately I did not see your review prior to buying. Your review, though, was spot on. Thanks for taking the time and interest in providing such great info for prospective buyers. Stay safe!

  3. Thorough, well structured and easy to understand article as always!

    Regarding the new range, it’s pretty much what I expected based on the info on Braun’s website. Quite disappointing.

    • Thank you, Vesselin, much appreciated. I completely agree, I got the same feeling from the images and available info when I pre-ordered the shavers. I was actually hoping to be proved wrong, but unfortunately that didn’t happen.


  4. Outstanding article and it made a big difference. I was about to order a 7020s but was unsure about whether the new swivel head was worth it. The other option was the 6020s. Now I have ruled out the 7020. I may try the 6020 and return it depending upon how much weaker it is or try to find a 5030s as you recommend. Are they still available?

    I have a Braun 5885 (Yes, ancient I know) and it works great except that the batteries don’t hold much of a charge anymore. I also have an even older Braun 5 series (5440? I am not home as I write this) and they have provided sterling service. They also work with the cord when the batteries are dead, which is an excellent feature. If I don’t like the 6020 I will see if their repair centers will replace the batteries, assuming they are still available.

    Thanks again for your excellent review!

    • Thank you for your comment, Dave, much appreciated.

      The previous Series 5 models like the 5030s are still available, although I think they are getting more difficult to find in the USA. I mentioned the 5030s because it’s among the cheaper Series 5 models and it also works with the cord (unlike other Series 5 variations). Between a 5030s and a 6020s, I would choose the former any day. It’s just a better shaver, hands down.


      • You are absolutely correct. Based upon my love of the 5885 and older model, and my very brief experience with the 6020s, I agree with you completely!

    • Follow up: I was in a bit of a rush and decided to try the 6020s based upon the review here, a few reviews on Amazon, and the fact that I couldn’t find the recommended 5030s as mentioned at the end of this article. Overall, your comments were spot on.

      Some background: I did not want a stand as I stay on my boats for extended periods of time which can be for months or longer depending upon where I am sailing. I also have two Brauns approaching 20 years of age, the newer of which is the 5885. I am not home right now so I don’t remember the other model number. Sorry about that. Both old Brauns are great and the only problem is that now one doesn’t hold its charge well. I have also tried a Norelco rotary shaber some twelve or thirteen years ago and it was an entry level unit.

      It is clear that contrasted to the 5885 and other model, that everything has been designed to save money. For the most part the 6020s is reasonably decent, but the differences between this and the previous Brauns I mentioned are obvious.

      First, the positives. It is quiet! When contrasted to the 5885, the difference is night and day. The 5885 hurt my ears and this is coming from a cavalry and armor officer who was surrounded by rather loud and sharp noises. It certainly wasn’t tactical!! The 6020 is very quiet and I can say that it is not much louder than my phone when on vibrate and a hard surface.

      It is well engineered for fit, shape, and function. Although I prefer the feel of my 5885, this was reasonably comfortable. I have an average to slightly above average sized hand, and for those who shoot pistols, think of the comfort of a full frame pistol such as a government .45, a Baretta/Taurus, 357, etc. While the 5885 fit me better, this isn’t too bad, and will probably feel decent for most people. Because it is a little smaller than the 5885, I have to adjust my grip a bit but it really wasn’t an issue and within a few minutes I was mostly used to the new grip.

      The 6020s has a travel lock! Several times I have been somewhere such as at an airport, sailing, etc. only to have a razor, electric toothbrush, etc. get turned on. With this, press and hold the on/off button for three seconds and it is locked off! It is simple to use.

      A surprise is that it comes with an actual paper instruction manual. Too many products today only have their manual online, however not everyone has immediate access to the Internet.

      Another great feature is that it is made in Germany and not communist China, although strangely the box mentions that it is engineered in Germany but does not mention where it is manufactured.

      A nice sales feature is that it has a 60 day money back guarantee and states this right on the box. That really makes if easy and comfortable to decide to try it out.

      The 2 year warranty and 60 trial/money back guarantee require you to save your receipt, and in the case of the money back guarantee, save the box and ALL materials that came with it. There seems to be no way to register the purchase so if you lose your receipt you are in trouble.

      In conclusion, I am relatively happy with the 6020s although I lament the lessening of a formerly great product to one that is merely good.

      Braun have still issued a hard case with this, as well as a skimpier brush (contrasted to the older Brauns I have.

      The negatives; It is painfully obvious that this was designed to reducing manufacturing costs. and that this was one of the higher priorities. Again, it is still a good unit but of a far lower quality than the older models.

      The size of the 6020s and the case are significantly larger than my earlier Brauns. The 5885 was 5 & 5/8″ long and the 6020s is 3/4″ longer. The head is roughly 1/4″ wider but the handle is about 1/2″ narrower. The case itself is 3/4″ thicker, 1 & 1/2″ longer (8″ long) and 1/4″ wider. The old case was a hard plastic with vents whereas the new case is a semi-rigid plastic cloth with no vents. The old case had a spot that the brush could snap into but the new case does not, and it is easy to lose the brush when opening the case. Because the sideburn trimmer is a separate attachment, there is no place for it in the case, although it can be squeezed in with the razor.

      The instruction manual is all pictures, and thus is less clear than a proper manual. It will take some experimentation to figure out the travel lock feature because of this.

      The travel lock feature is not intuitive. The manual suggests to press and hold the on/off button for three seconds, but when you press and hold, it immediately turns on. You MUST continue to hold it while the razor is on before it kicks in. Once it kicks in then, and only then, does it turn off. Likewise, when deactivated the travel lock feature, you press and hold the on/off button for three seconds, but then the razor turns on automatically.

      The brush that is included is tiny and far less useful than the older brushes.

      • I forgot to mention that unlike my older Brauns, I cannot use it with the cord plugged in. It can ONLY be used when charged.

        • Edit: It has been four days shy of a month since my first comment on using the Braun 6020s. For anyone who hasn’t read my original comment, the 6020s is a 6 series electric razor but without the self cleaning stand. This edit will address some things I hadn’t yet commented on, such as charging, length of battery charge, etc.

          In short, I am glad I bought the 6020s, albeit with the recognition of the shortcomings mentioned in my above comment. It is overall a good razor in terms of shave, features, and quality if one understands its limitations and accepts those (See above comment).

          The instructions are not great and it helps if you read the information on the box. If you don’t read the box you will miss some things since they are not mentioned in the rather deficient instructions. One example of this is the five minute quick charge. Sadly, the newer Braun razors won’t let you shave while it is charging. They do however have a quick charge feature. I plugged it in for 5 minutes and 24 seconds (I was distracted and missed the 5 minute mark!). I received a charge that lasted 11 minutes and 13 seconds before it ran down. N.B. I had just shaved to it is possible that heavier growth would have lowered that number a bit. The important thing is that although it is annoying that you have to wait five minutes, it will charge it enough to finish most shaves.

          The box states that you will receive 50 minutes of shaving time, but I found after timing my shaves that I am consistently getting over 60 minutes, with a the longest being 74 minutes. This was a pleasant surprise!

          Cleaning it with the brush is not terribly effective for two reasons. First, the brush that is provided is a much cheaper brush than the one provided with my model 5885 and the earlier brush. I tried using that brush on the 6020s and while it was a better clean, it still wasn’t as good a clean as the older models. This is due to the more complicated cutters and foil system. Cleaning it with water from the faucet on high works very well however and is fairly quick and easy. It works so well that I don’t even use the brush unless I am somewhere where I don’t have access to a faucet or the time to wash it and let it dry.

          I mentioned it in my earlier comment but it is worth stating again; SAVE YOUR RECEIPT. There is no way to register your purchase so if you wish to return the razor within 60 days for a full refund, or get it serviced within the two year warranty, you may be out of luck without it. I don’t know whether the vendor would take it back if you are not happy with it.

          All in all, I am rather pleased with it and I am glad I didn’t spend the extra for the swivel head on the 7 series.

          • Awesome review as always, Dave. Thank you for taking the time to write a follow-up. I agree, the battery life is fantastic.


  5. Hi Ovidiu! After reading a lot of your guides, I bought a 2020 Braun Series 5 as a budget option. I have been using it for two weeks, about every 3 days because I do not have much facial hair growth.

    The reason I wanted to switch to an electric shaver from Gillette Mach 3 blades is because I have sensitive skin and was always getting razor bumps. But I only got razor bumps on my neck on each side of my Adam’s apple (even with rinsing my face with hot water first, using Neutrogena sensitive skin shaving gel, only doing single passes with the razor, and using Gillette sensitive skin aftershave).

    I haven’t been satisfied with my Series 5 and am thinking about returning it and going back to using Mach 3 blades. I’ve been making sure to do everything you recommend (wet shaving, lubricating foils, …) and feel that the electric shaver needs multiple passes over one spot to get the hairs, and even then still leaves a lot of stray hairs after I’m finished. Also, I’ve been knicking myself way more than I ever did with my Mach 3 blades, specifically on my chin and Adam’s apple.

    I was thinking I would get better at it and be able to knick myself less over time, but I feel that maintaining the electric shaver is so much more work since I wet shave for sensitive skin and have to wash and maintain the shaver. And I’m feeling that it’s not worth the extra effort since the shaver requires so many passes and still misses so many hairs. Is this something that’s normal with this quality of shaver? Am I giving up on electric shavers too early?

    • Hi Blake,

      In my opinion you shouldn’t give up on electric shavers just yet. The 2020 Series 5 is not a particularly capable electric shaver and since it’s also your first, the results are likely to be far from satisfactory.

      It takes some effort to get a clean shave with it around those prominent facial features like your Adam’s apple, its shaving head (precisely the frame) is quite wide for a 3 blade shaver, it’s pretty slow and doesn’t glide easily on the skin. The last part is not an issue during a wet shave though.

      Among the reasons for switching to electric shavers are their convenience, practicality, comfort, and ease of use/maintenance. And while your technique and skin may still need some time, your 2020 Series 5 may be a limiting factor. I understand that you need a budget-friendly razor, so the options aren’t too many in this price range. The Series 3 ProSkin is a bit better in my experience, but not significantly. It is easier to maneuver and I even think it’s got a bit more power.

      If you can find a previous generation Series 5 (5040s, 5030s, etc) for a decent price, that one could likely provide a better shave. A Series 7 (not the 2020 release) would be my pick, but they are significantly more expensive.


    • Hi Celso,

      That is correct, it appears that they will be available in Europe as well starting July 2020.


  6. Hi Ovidiu, great article and also reviews of new series 5 and 7. Quite interesting move from Braun – can’t escape the feeling that this has been cost cutting driven. What’s been also disappointing is that they haven’t introduced any environmentally friendlier way to run their cleaning stations. I still find it baffling that in this day and age they are using platic cartriges that last a month and then cannot be recycled. Panasonic at least found a better solution through saches.

    Anyhow, I was wondering whether you heard much about the latest shaver from Panasonic? It was launched in July in Japan. It is a Lamdash Arc3 shaver with integrated ion plate for facial treatment. One downside i managed to pick up on is that a ahaver doesn’t come with a storage bag/case – only a charging stand. Otherwise looks like an interesting proposition.

    Just run this link through google translate :

    • Hi,

      Thank you for your comment, much appreciated.

      I am aware of the new Panasonic, however I cannot really say anything with certainty regarding the performance. It is equipped with a 13 000 CPM motor as the older Arc 3 and has a single comfort roller (the Arc 5 models have 2). It does look sleek, but its selling point with the ion plate seems rather gimmicky. I think it will be pretty difficult to get in Europe, but if I have the possibility, I’ll definitely buy one and review it.


  7. Thank you for this review!
    I have S6 and pretty satisfied.
    I got the option with the precision trimmer but no beard combs…problem, now I have a (COVID) beard and need the combs. Can I buy just the combs? I saw BT32 but it says compatible with Series 3….hmmm…

    • Hi,

      Yes, you can buy them separately, at least here in Europe they are available. The BT32 will not be compatible with your Series 6, you’ll have to get the combs for the new 2020 Series 5, 6 and 7. Here’s the pack on Amazon UK for example. The combs are only bundled together with the bread trimmer.


  8. Hi Ovidiu,

    I opted for Braun 5195CC having found Panasonic EE21 a little too aggressive.

    I have a question on ‘Cleaning indicator’ on the shaver. Braun chat folks are clueless on it.

    I used the shaver in dry mode for 2 weeks and this indicator stayed off. Spoke to Braun and they said it comes on when it needs cleaning. After 2 weeks when the battery was down to one bar I thought I shall clean it and check out the cleaning station (CC) at the same time. Placed shaver in CC, all three cleaning lights came on and after about 2 mins they went off and last light (probably status) went off as well. Removed shaver after 4 hours and noticed it was still wet so removed cassette, placed shaver and cassette on the table to air dry. Next morning when I switched the shaver on the cleaning indicator came on straight away. Spoke to Braun who said this is OK, it is to remind you to clean it and couldn’t say why it had not come on before.

    I thought may be it’s because I have removed the shaver too early. So, I repeated the process and this time 2 cleaning lights came on. Removed shaver after 8 hours, still slightly wet, let it air dry and next next morning when I switched it on same thing happened. Cleaning indicator came on straight away or within a couple of seconds.

    The way I read the manual I would expect the cleaning indicator to come on when it needs cleaning and CC resets the timer.

    What is supposed to happen? Have I got a fault in the unit?

    Shaving wise, it’s OKish as long as I use plenty of pre-shave lotion.

    Would appreciate your thoughts.

    Best Regards, Prav

    • Hi Prav,

      You are correct, the cleaning indicator should come on when the shaver has been running for a pre-defined amount of time since the last automatic cleaning (the station does reset the timer). There’s no need to leave it for hours in the station, as soon as the cleaning cycle ends, the timer is reset.

      The indicator should appear again after at least one full shaving session, but it’s not totally unusual to come on a lot faster. I have a Series 9 that does this within 2 minutes after turning it on (after it’s been cleaned in the station). However, it is unusual what’s happening with your shaver, I’ve never seen one coming on after a few seconds.

      To be perfectly honest, I completely ignore these reminders regardless of the shaver I’m using. Because of how they work, they’re of little to no use and more like a slight annoyance. The solo models that are basically identical don’t even have a hygiene indicator.

      If this bothers you, I think you can contact Braun and ask for a replacement. But it will not have any impact on the performance of your shaver and you should simply clean it when needed.


  9. Hello Ovidiu,

    I still can’t decide what should I get. Here in the Philippines, there are not much of a difference when it comes to price. 6020s is around $100 ,1040s around $90. I want to get the best out of it and price wise since it is a bit close. Considering all the factors you mentioned, which of the 2 do you think is more worth it?

    Not to mention, there’s also a 1010s available here around $60 but I’m afraid I’ll be missing out the trimmer.

    Best regards,

    • Hi Mark,

      I think you were referring to the 3040s and 3010s, respectively. I find the trimmer quite useful, so I personally would not consider the 3010s. As for the 6020s vs 3040s, I’d say the former is better, but only slightly. As I said in the article, for me the entire 2020 lineup was a bit of a let down in terms of performance. So I think I would actually get the 3040s for the integrated slide-out trimmer and cheaper replacement shaving heads.


  10. This comment is a follow up to the two previous comments of 28 May 2020 and 24 June 2020. posted above. It has been four months and three days since I purchased my Braun 6020s, which is the version that does not have the stand.

    I did three tests timed with a stop watch each time I shaved, and I received the following total times of use on a single charge; 66 minutes, 64 minutes, and 66 minutes. The battery life has so far been good and better than the stated 50 minutes.

    I have had three disturbing incidents (not during the timed tests) in the past two months. On two occasions, the razor would not turn on and there was no indication of a charge, despite the fact that I knew I should have fifteen or twenty minutes of charge left. I plugged it in for less than a minute and the razor then worked normally. Additionally, I received the expected remainder of charge which in both cases was indeed some fifteen or so minutes.

    The third incident occurred when the razor was indicated that I would soon need a charge. I have found that when the red flashing charge light comes on, I can get roughly ten minutes of use before it quickly slows then stops. This one time however it suddenly stopped without the usual slowing. It also stopped when I should have had around five minutes left.

    I am hoping that this is not indicative of future problems, but I will keep everyone posted in a few months.

    As I suspected, the supplied brush is not terribly effective and rinsing it daily with the faucet on high has been the most effective way to clean it. I do from time to time use the brush from my old 5885 model Braun since that actually does a good job and compliments the daily rinsing quite nicely.

    The unit itself has been working well. The 6020s is, as mentioned in my earlier reviews very quiet and is one of the features I really like. I have also become very used to the new shape and find it does a very good job of shaving. I never get razor rash, which I occasionally did with the earlier model. The fit and integrity of the unit is good with nothing loose. Even when I shake it to get the water out of it, nothing rattles.

    I have tried using the razor in the shower since they advertise this waterproof capability. I didn’t find that I received a better shave although it did seem to be a wee bit easier to clean. To be honest, it seems more of a bother to bring it into the shower with me.

    In my earlier review, I noted that the case is not a hard plastic case but rather some sort of plastic cloth case without vents. This has indeed become a bit of an issue since it collects dust and dirt, in particular stubble. Even though I most often rinse the razor every day after use, there are rare occasions where I don’t have time or the water to do that. The case has collected a bit of dust/stubble and it doesn’t clean easily nor well. It takes some effort to clean it and even then it doesn’t clean well.

    The advertisements say that the 6020 is waterproof but I couldn’t find any specifications nor the IP waterproof rating. The Braun website sadly provided limited information and wasn’t as useful as it should have been.

    In summation, it is a decent razor for the money, given the limitations noted in my earlier reviews.

    • Hi Dave,

      Many thanks for the very detailed follow-up, these are some great insights. Those were indeed some unusual incidents; I didn’t have any with my Series 6, but I wouldn’t necessarily be worried about potential reliability issues. But please let me know if anything happens in the future.


    • This is a follow up to my comments of 20 May, 24 June, and 4 Oct of 2020. The unit has continue to perform well with one notable exception. On an increasing basis the unit will suddenly not turn on when I have one or two dots indicating between one third and two thirds of a charge left. If I plug it in for even just a second, it will then turn on and show the expected amount of charge left. If this continues, I will have to return it to Braun for a replacement.

      Other than this, it has performed well. The battery life continues to exceed the promised 50 minutes and by quite a bit too.

      I will likely return it for a replacement, and I will follow up with a report on how that goes.

      • Thanks for the update, Dave. I think you should definitely contact customer support and ask for a replacement unit.


      • The Braun 6020s needs to be repaired or replaced. When it reaches two bars or less, it increasingly doesn’t turn on unless I plug it into the charging cord for half a second. I spoke to the Braun customer service people, and they apologized for the problem I was having, and gave me an authorization to return the system. First, they have a very rudimentary troubleshooting process that is fairly useless.

        After the phone conversation, they sent me a link, and I filled out the information on line. This then gave me a return authorization sheet which I printed out and printed as a pdf file. I packed up everything in the original box, being sure to include the original receipt and return authorization sheet and mailed it out yesterday, 19 April 2021.

        It seems that Braun outsources the repair and replacements. In New York State and I think some of the surrounding states, it gets sent to a facility on Long Island in the town of Oceanside. The address is Braun Service East, c/o (care of) Turnpike Appliance Service Center, 18B Neil Court, Oceanside, NY. We shall see how they do and I will update everyone on the process and the results.

        BE SURE TO KEEP YOUR RECEIPTS!!!! I cannot emphasize this enough. At the time I purchased this product, there is no way to register your purchase and the receipt is the ONLY way to prove when you purchased the unit. In my case, I kept the receipt AND took a photo of it. I am glad I did because the receipt faded over time.

        • Thanks for the update, Dave, hope you’ll get this sorted out soon. It’s always a good idea to hold on to the receipts. By the way, it’s the same in Europe regarding the authorized service centers.


        • I spoke to Braun late on Thursday, the 15th of April 2021 and they created a return authorization for my Braun 6020s. I went to the post office on Monday morning, the 19th of April. I shipped it via two day mail, and they received it Wednesday morning, the 21st.

          Unfortunately I was rushed and also had pop up blockers working, so I didn’t realize that Braun creates a UPS shipping label in a pop up window. DO NOT ship it yourself, or you will just waste money! OOPS!! Also, Braun didn’t mention that UPS will pick it up at no cost to me. I should have noticed the UPS tracking number on the repair supply note (work order) but as I said, I was rushed and missed it.

          Today, the 28th of April I received my 6020s back. First, the good news. The authorized repair center was very thorough in returning everything I sent. They even returned the fat rubber band I used to keep the charging cord organized! The razor was also fully charged.

          The bad news is that I don’t know what, if anything, they did. There was no description of any work being done, nor did they indicate if they replaced the razor, repaired it, or did nothing. There is a serial number Braun asks for when they create the ticket but alas, it is not listed on the work order (technically it is called a repair supply note) they generate, I wrote to the contracted repair facility and will update this if I find anything out. I also wrote to Braun to see if I can find out anything. Lastly, I will update this after some use to see if the problem was fixed.

          Be sure to record the serial number before you send yours so you can see if you received the same unit back.

          • According to Braun’s customer service personnel, only the service center can provide any information on what, if anything, was done. I will just have to wait until I hear from them.

          • According to Renata, they replaced the body of the shaver. I should point out that Renata of Turnpike Appliance Service Center has been very efficient and quick to provide answers. The service they and Braun has been very good. Their attention to detail was impressive and quick. The unit they sent me was fully charged, everything I sent them was returned in the same condition I sent it, and they even included a coupon for a discount on the head. I am quite pleased with their service.

          • Hi Dave,

            Many thanks for taking the time to share your experience with the service center. It seems like the people working there are professional and friendly, just what every customer wants and expects. Glad the problem with your 6020s got solved.


  11. Thank you this has been very informative.

    I came here after looking at the new models on Amazon Prime day, and this has helped guide me towards a decision.

  12. Hi Ovidiu,

    So informative and great reviews, just what I was looking for!

    Can I ask a question? I’m about to update my 380s-4 and am looking at the 3040s, 5140s and the 50-B1200s. From reading your review, you rate the older 5140s so should I go for that over the newer models?

    Thanks again.

    • Hi Jonathan,

      Thank you for your comment, much appreciated. If the budget is not an issue, I would definitely recommend the 5140s over the other two options.


  13. Great review. Thanks for the awesome page. Having owned several Braun shavers over the years, I agree with all your opinions. Going to try substituting the Series 5 foil on my recent Series 6 gift from last year as Series 6 foils are still unavailable. Thanks for the advice.

  14. Very nice to find this site, thanks for the research. I am buying my 16 year old his first razor, like me, he has a very light beard. Looking to spend $50 or so unless there is a great value for going up to $75 or $80. I like the built in trimmer and wet/dry use for him. Do you have a recommendation for a specific series 3 vs. series 5? Wondering if it comes down to the old 3 vs. the new 5? I enjoy my 9 series. 5018 vs 3040 vs 3 340 vs 6072?


    • Hi,

      Thank you for your comment, much appreciated.

      For a teenager with light facial hair, I think the Series 3 would be ideal in that price range. I even prefer it to these new Series 5 and 6 for myself. It’s just easier to use, mostly thanks to the slim head. Regarding which model, just go for one of the wet/dry ProSkin variations that come with an integrated trimmer (like the 3040s, 3080s, and so on).


  15. Thanks for sharing this. My old 5885 finally gave it up on Christmas morning after 15 years of faithful service. I was quite overwhelmed by the number of new models available now. Your review and the accompanying comments really helped me make an informed choice.

  16. Wow – Thank you so much for these reviews! I had the old Series 3 3020s and it served well for many years. Then I made a mistake and bought a new S3 Wet&Dry (3040). DON’T BUY THIS SHAVER. Poorer quality (part of the head broke after 10 mo) and no sideburn trimmer. Plus you can’t shave when it is plugged in AND it doesn’t have a light/indicator to show the amount of charge left.
    I love the detail you have in your reviews and the useful facts as to what you get with each model. I am upgrading to Series 5 (the 5040s) because it meets my needs. I definitely recommend people read these reviews to find the shaver for them – they won’t regret it!

    • Thank you for your comment, Ian, much appreciated. Sorry to hear about your issues with the Series 3 — I am not however certain it was that particular model as the 3040 does have a sideburn trimmer and it uses the exact same shaving head as the 3020s. It also has a (rather basic) battery level indicator.

      Hope you’ll enjoy shaving with the Series 5, it is in my opinion a significant leap in performance from the Series 3.


      • Hi – thanks for the note and sorry for the wrong model info. You are correct it was NOT the 3040 it was actually the 310s type 5409. Definitely a low end model.
        Thanks again for the great site – will point others to it!

  17. I have a series 5 Braun and the cleaning station has started to overflow. The last cartridge I installed overflowed out of the top, not the bottom. It drained the entire cartridge. Do I need a new cleaning station? Razor is ok but thinking of getting a series 7.

  18. Hi,

    Thank you for the in-depth review. I am looking to buy my first dry shaver and actually do not require many fancy features. I only require that it is good for sensitive skin and do want that it shaves efficiently without stressing the skin too much. Also, I do not have a lot of growth of beard overall, so I am wondering whether I would require the more expensive current or better older versions or whether a Series 6 or so would suffice for my uses. I only need to shave every second or third day or so. Thus, I also do not want to spend too much on just a razor.

    • Hi Adrian,

      You are very welcome. The Series 6 will probably get the job done, but I would actually consider one of the older dry only Series 5 models like the 5030s, 5020s, etc. if you can find one (at a decent price). You can even get one of the wet&dry 51xxs models and simply use it dry (you have a better chance of finding those I think). In my experience, the old Series 5 shavers are better than the Series 6 in every aspect (I also wrote a detailed guide on the Series 5 here).


  19. I can only get the Series 7 solo version on sale and Can I buy the clean/charge station separately in the future?

    • Yes, the solo Series 7 shaver will also work with a compatible cleaning station purchased later on.


  20. Hi Ovidiu,

    I was wondering if you or anyone had a chance to own or try Braun Syncro System 7680?

    I’ve been quite curious over the past few days since there were heaps of noise and talk about it when it was around. I understand it’s a quite old shaver, but I recall when I was a teenager, I used to see its commercial on TV but never had a chance to have one!


    • Hi Steven,

      That one is actually the predecessor of the Series 7 that we all know (the generation prior to the 2020 update, the 2007 – 2013 Series 7 9595/790cc). The introduction of the Synchro System was a very important milestone for modern electric shavers. I think it’s great that you managed to find a brand new unit — looking forward to hearing your thoughts about it.


      • Hi Ovidiu,

        Thanks for your input. I got the shaver today and had a chance to give it a try.

        I purchased this shaver with the original packaging along original cleaning cartridges – 3 in a pack. Apparently, one of the very first cleaning cartridges Braun introduced since the plastic container is in green colour not transparent! I wonder who was the initial owner that could manage to keep this shaver unused until this time! The warranty document got a shop stamp dated year 2002.
        I bought it from an online Japanese auction, and since I reside in Japan, the delivery was a breeze.

        Getting into the shaver, it’s the version which comes with digital display – Syncro 7680. I believe this one should be the very last version Braun released in Syncro series.

        – Packaging: typical Braun packaging, squared box with lots of writing about the shaver functionality, etc. contents were packages within foams. I’ve purchased some other Braun shavers in Japan and they were all packaged within foams not cardboards inside the box. The shaver comes with a leather traveling case, which I’ve never seen a Braun shaver with such this travelling case in the past. It stores the shaver along the charger and a cleaning comb. The original cleaning cartridge again was in green colour and not like the recent ones in transparent plastic colour.

        – The shaver: it’s not light in weight, it’s got some weight in it and has a quite solid built. It’s got a sticker above the digital display with a writing “Smart Logic Inside”.
        The shaver had flat battery and I had to give it a full charge. The initial charge took 4 hours, it also says on the display how long left until it gets fully charged. The shaving head consists of foil and the blades, it comes in two pieces.

        – The charger: got a spring like cable which Braun stopped manufacturing them I recall from 2015 models onwards. I personally prefer the old spring like cables on the charger.

        – Clean and charge station: it’s made in Ireland. It looks quite identical to other Braun cleaning stations, however, it’s got a fan inside with a button to select the functions as clean or charge. Literarily, it gives you two options as either just clean the shaver or to charge it only.

        – First shave: after a full 4 hours charge, it was the time for the first shave. It glides smoothly on skin, and it shaves pretty close! I was quite surprised with the closeness this shaver delivers. However, after the shave you will start getting a slight skin discomfort and razer burn. I wonder if my skin needs to get used to the shaver, I’m going to try this shaver for the next few days.

        – Cleaning with the clean and charge station: The shaver displayed “Clean!” on the digital display. I placed the shaver in clean and charge station for a full cleaning. The shaver displays “15 minutes cleaning”. I was able to smell a quite strong alcohol odour. I should comment the alcohol odour was quite unpleasant! I’m not wondering the later cleaning cartridges come with lemon scent, probably Braun tried to introduce the lemon scent just because of the unpleasant alcohol odour.

        – Conclusion: I believe Braun Syncro 7680 was a beast in its days! extremely close shave, automatic clean and charge station, being able to shave corded and cordless, fully functional display.

        I will come back with some more updates after trying the shaver for in the next few days.


        • Hey Steven,

          Awesome review, thank you for taking the time to share your first impressions. I personally love these older and iconic shavers and the 7680 is one of the special ones (I never got the chance to try it though). I plan to buy and review some myself if I can get them in brand new condition (a Series 7 and 5 are on my list).

          Impressive performance from what I can tell and I believe the subsequent shaves will be even better, not necessarily because your skin needs to adapt, but you’ll also learn the shaver’s quirks and even some small tweaks will make a difference.

          By the way, I too prefer the coiled charging cables and I have a few that I always use with any new Braun razors that I buy.


          • Hi Ovidiu,

            I’ve been using this shaver since my first review. I can definitely give it a great score among all the other Braun shavers I’ve ever owned and used! The closeness that it delivers is quite identical to a Panasonic Lamdash! Being more precise, the closeness could be rated between Braun S7 and Panasonic Lamdash.

            – Further on my first review:
            The display is just awesome, simple and it gives you more than enough info. It displays when the shaver has to be cleaned, when it has to be oiled, is able to display the duration of your last shave, the battery level is always on display even when the shaver is not in charge and turned off, pretty decent battery life, the Smart Logic will charge the shaver when it’s needed – as we all know, all later Braun shavers start charging the shaver once the cleaning station is done with the cleaning.

            I wonder why Braun has taken off all these useful functions from the later versions (as well as removing the fan/drying mechanism from the cleaning station, protective cap, etc).

            If you got a chance to grab one, please do without any doubts!


          • Brilliant! Now I’m even more intrigued and eager to get one. As for removing genuinely useful features with the newer releases, well, it most likely has to do with production costs. Which is unfortunate for us, the end-users.


  21. I also believe this is all related to cost cutting which is sad for end users. I rather pay slightly more but get a high end product with all the useful features same as Braun iconic model Syncro 7680.
    Braun Syncro Logic 7680 which I’m using it since the weekend has become my main shaver now and I should admit I quite enjoy shaving with it.
    I also checked the shops as well as Amazon, apparently replacement foil and blades are widely available for purchase with a decent price. I believe there are quite alot of folks who still use this specific model and I understand why they are not looking to upgrade.

  22. I have a question
    If with the same amount of money I can buy the 6020s model and the 5147s one which should I choose. Of course performance matters for this one because I found them at the exact same price so I wanna know which one performs better

    • Hi Greg,

      I personally would go with the 5147s. To me it’s just a better shaver in all regards.


  23. Thank you for this great article.

    Was looking for an update/upgrade for my old S3 3010S and noticed a S5 50-B1200S for only 60€, your review shows why it’s selling at half price.

    Would it still be a good upgrade for my S3?
    Or should I consider these options instead:
    S6 60-B4500 CS, 110€
    S5 5147 S, 115€
    S5 5197 S w/ C&C Station, 125€
    S7 7842s, 155€

    Other then the half price S5 the older S5 model with C&C seems the best deal.

    • Hey,

      Thanks for the comment, glad you found the article useful.

      The S5 50-B1200S would definitely be the budget choice here. However, it will not be a definite improvement in performance over your S3. In my experience they are quite similar.

      I agree — from that list of shavers, the older 5197cc seems to be the best deal. Performance-wise, it is pretty close to the old S7 and definitely better than the new S5 and S6.


  24. My (8 year) old Panasonic died while we were on holiday and not near any decent selection of shaver stores. Best I could find was a Braun 50-B1000s, looks identical here in Aus to the B1200s.
    I agree it’s not the best but it was on special at $AU99 and compared with the Panasonic’s worn out foils it’s a big improvement, so I’m pretty happy so far. And I feel that had I paid 2 to 3 times as much for a better shaver I certainly wouldn’t have got a 2 to 3 times better shave.

  25. Thanks for the in-depth reviews!! I’ve been using rotary heads for a couple years, first a 3000-series Norelco that died in just under a year – they sent me a warranty replacement, which also died in just under a year. Then I bought a $20 no name rotary that has served me well for a year, but it’s now dead and there are no replacements. Decided to do some research this time and spend a bit more, and your site and reviews have been an amazing help!!

    Based on the comfort for sensitive skin, and the fact that I have a thin beard and shave daily, I’ve just ordered a 6172cc. I’ll be sure to come back and let you know my thoughts once it has arrived…

      • Hi Kyle,

        Thank you for the comment, much appreciated. Hope you’ll enjoy shaving with your new Series 6. Just take your time, especially during the first few shaves as you’re switching from a rotary to a foil razor.
        Looking forward to your thoughts on it.


      • OK, Day 1 report on the 6072cc. It arrived last night, so used it for the first time this morning. Unpacking it, I agree with many reviews I’ve seen that the manual is relatively awful – all pictures, no words, and not terribly easy to follow. However, I was able to get the cleaning station setup and charge the razor.

        Using it this morning, my first impression was that it was very comfy on the face. Glides smoothly, feels great. I generally shave dry, with Lectric Shave preshave. The 6072 is indeed more comfortable than my previous rotary shavers. Also, it definitely shaves closer than they do. Prior to going electric, I was an old-school double-blade razor user. With that, I did the 3-pass method – lather, shave with the grain, lather again, shave across the grain, lather again, shave against the grain. That method gives an amazingly close shave, but is ridiculously time consuming. Some days, I’d only do 1 of the 3 passes. That was a less close but still very nice shave. My impression of day 1 of the 6072cc is that it’s very close to the 1-pass with the blade, and I am impressed. I never got that close with the rotary.

        Further, I’m pleased with the trimmer. So pleased that I was irritated that I didn’t order the 6075 to get the combs…but then I found the comb set on Amazon for a low enough price that I still ended up spending less than the 6075.

        I’ll check back in after using it for a couple weeks to see if I remain as pleased as I currently am.

        • That’s awesome, Kyle, thank you for the follow-up. Seems like you got a winner — enjoy your shaves with the Series 6!


  26. Ovidiu,
    I have a off topic question. In the Netflix series Inventing Anna, the actor Anthony Edawards shaves his head with what I believe is a Braun shaver, Episode 4 at the 9 minute mark. I what’s my hair very close. Can any of these shavers double as a hair cutter for a buzz cut hair style.


    • Hi Jim,

      I watched that scene several times and I think it’s a Philips Norelco cordless hair/beard trimmer. Can’t tell exactly which model, I’m afraid. You could use any of the Series 7, 6 or 5 with the appropriate guard to get a buzz cut. That said, any dedicated cheap hair clipper will probably be faster. These 2 in 1 shavers/trimmers are always a compromise. If I were to cut my hair regularly, I would rather have a separate hair clipper as well.


  27. I appreciate your feedback. I currently do use a cheap hair trimmer. It does the job but it’s clunky. That scene with Anthony Edwards made it seem effortless. But then he probably wasn’t really cutting his hair.
    Thanks again.

  28. I intirely agree whith your conclutions.
    I had a long term serie7, then I bought a Serie 9 and recently as consequence of an accident, and by the information of some local tecnical assistence that there were no more substitute parts, I bought the new Serie7 70.
    For a good chance in another place where I had gone for another metter, I had the luke to ask if, for any chance, they coold repair the shaver that I iddentify and they sad YES.
    Now I have the 3 of them, but use diary the old serie7, because of the 3 level of speed cut, and the trimmer included to trim the sideburns.
    Sometimes, after using the old Serie7, I use the New 7 70, for final close cutting, in that stage, it works.
    Used in a daily complete shave, old serie7 have a more close resolt

  29. I just wanted to chime in with my experience. I have a very coarse beard and recently switched from the Series 5 to Series 7; I definitely notice and feel the difference. The more powerful motor makes for a smoother shave with less passes; and the pivoting head is a big help around the neck and jaw line.

    I was satisfied with my Series 5 but if you have a coarse beard, I would look at the Series 7. I was able to pick one up for $50.00 on Ebay and it was barely used; in fact it came with much of the original packaging.

    • Hi Chris,

      Thank you for the comment. The difference in power is noticeable indeed between the Series 5 and 7. That’s a great price for a barely used S7, so enjoy shaving with it. 🙂


  30. I currently have the previous Series 7 shaver with the cleaning station. It’s a decent shaver but I find I have to go over certain areas a few times to get all the hairs. I may buy a Braun 9 Pro this year and see if it’s substantially better or not.

    I did just purchase a new 7 Series for my Dad and Father’s Day so we’ll see how he likes it.

    • Hi Craig,

      I think you’ll see a difference since the 9 Pro is slightly more powerful and effective than the regular Series 9. On top of that, it’ll be a brand new shaver with unworn blades and foils, so it will have an advantage over your Series 7 in that regard. Hope your dad will enjoy shaving with his new Series 7! 🙂


  31. so, I have an old 5 and I have used water to try and clean it because hair gets stuck and not cleaned out by the cleaner there is some rust on the metal it worth keeping?

  32. Hi, I have the S5 (5190CC) and I’ve been a little let down, having started a bit of research and found this review.
    I now think I have purchased the incorrect S5 head, as I wasn’t aware of two models, seems a little silly from Braun.

    My old head was good but as you pointed out it works better with daily shaving otherwise, any longer I need to razor shave first then back to the S5.

    Great information, many thanks.

    • Hi Andy,

      Many thanks for the comment, I really appreciate it.

      Your 5190cc uses the 52s (silver frame) or 52b (black) head. The newer (and inferior) 53b that comes with the new Series 5 won’t fit.


  33. Hi!

    I have found a good price for a 5-51 and a 7-71. As I shave daily, is it worth it to pay more for a series 7?

    Thanks for your review and feedback!

    • Hi Tom,

      I think it also depends on the price difference between the two. The 7 is more powerful and will shave closer, but I find it way too grabby and not very comfortable. If I were to buy an inexpensive Braun, I would rather get the Series 3 ProSkin 3040s — in my opinion it is better than the Series 5 5-51. The next best Braun would be in my opinion the Series 8 if you can get a great deal on it. The new Series 7 just doesn’t offer enough compelling reasons to recommend it.


  34. I was wondering if the Chinese knockoff razor heads for the series 7- 7071 CC does the knockoff matter is it worth the extra money to buy the German expensive which I have no idea why it’s 25 to $40 for one razor head foil it’s just crazy especially that one but is there a difference because I’m about to change the head for the first time I can’t emphasize how pissed I am about how much they cost and they do not last 18 months they last 6 months if that it started biting my face chewing up my skin and leaving hair behind straight out the box I thought it was defective after reading reviews I see it’s normal but I want to grab a cheap $11 Chinese one cuz I feel like they all should be $11 hell SMH I was wondering how you felt about it again this is the replacement head

    • Hi,

      I haven’t used the Chinese knockoffs for the new Series 7, but I did try some in the past. My experience was really bad — they either didn’t cut at all or would go blunt after a few shaves. Have you tried lubricating the blades with a spray lubricant for shavers/clippers? 6 months is way too soon even though daily use and a coarse beard will accelerate the wear.


  35. Hi Ovidiu, im very happy seeing your video I’d say you won’t reply but just maybe.
    I look as the braun shavers better by numbers but I look at them directly due to your vids
    I have a braun series 5 and 6.
    I’m getting use to using the 6 now

    I use to use a double razor to shave.
    I need cleaner for the series 6.
    Can you suggest one?I’m not in a healthy position for money due to are ression.
    Is there series sections?
    I mean that by the series you can currently buy but goes into different league?

    • Hi John,

      If you’re looking for a cleaning station for your Series 6, you would need to buy the following item: Braun 81697132 (aka Type 5434). I’m not exactly sure I understand the last part of your comment, could you please elaborate a bit on that?


  36. Hello Ovidiu. Thanks for the information provided by you. I have a S7 shaver, and i want to replace the head. Question. CLarryould the S5 and S6 shaver head fit on the S7 shaver?


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